ventichai's Diaryland Diary


Do I feel hot to you???

I feel sick today.

I woke up really sick to my stomache. Now I feel feverish. Figures, right before our trip.

The cat is driving me batty. He is completely obsessed with the computer. Whenever I am on here, so is he. Its quite annoying. Right now I am trying to type while he is biting my fingers and chasing the cursor. Grrr... wheres the water bottle when I need it?!

Although I just loooooove being a housewife, I applied for a job today at my favorite store. It goes completely against my better judgement about working retail, but I love this store. I wonder if they could just let me work for merchandise???? Plus, it is a management position. I would be overseeing the 3 different locations. AND I would only have to work some weekends and nights. I can swing that temporarily.

I don't know, maybe I will just stick with the golf course...

I feel like poop and am irritable. I went to work today to pick up my check, that wasn't there may I add. Apparently a new pay schedule has taken place that was effective as of the day I quit or something and I was unaware of it. Long story short, I worked days I wont be getting paid for. So, I should have just left that Friday, but noooooo, I had to go and be nice. Bastards. Not you Mel, just thought I would clarify.

Well, Bobby will be home soon. He had the early shift for once.

**Side Note***

I wonder if when we are old I will call him Bob. I really don't want to call him Bob. It reminds me of my Uncle or something. A lot of his friends call him Bob, and so does some of his and my family, but I just can't bring myself to do it. "Hi, this is my husband Bob." Ewwww.

***End Side Note***

Anyway, I should get going and start doing my wifely duties. That was a funny sentence. You know, in all honesty, what was ever so wrong with women staying home???? I mean seriously, I don't think this was something we really thought out....

Um, no hate mail from the womens libbers please. I'm all for equality and shit, but sometimes its nice to just be lazy and let the men deal with the bullshit. Plus I'm feverish, incoherant, and I just keep rambling, so I am sure I will forget this all by tomorrow....

xoxo peace

2:48 p.m. - 2005-06-03


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