ventichai's Diaryland Diary



Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Its been a while. I have been wanting to update for quite some time now, but have had so much go on in the past few weeks that I just didn't feel like going there.

So, instead of my sob stories and tales of dispare, I will save you from it all and give you something a little more upbeat.

I stole this from a good pal of mine... hope you don't mind!!!

Ten Random Things About Me:

1. I have had an unusual amount of gas lately. And I'm not talking about the kind you put in your car...

2. I'm a home body. I'd much rather stay at home all day long curled up next to Bobby than go out and party it up.

3. I am a horrible friend when it comes to keeping in touch. I'm sure some of you know this first hand. I really am sorry, I just suck at that kind of thing.

4. I want to be a hippy. Not a let my armpit hair grow until I can braid it hippy, but a one with the world, only eat organic, always barefoot hippy.

5. I am madly in love with my husband. I know you all know that, but I am talking head over heals, can't function when he isn't around, in love.

6. I love taking pictures, but have only a handful of myself.

7. I am learning from my mistakes everyday. And it is making me a better person, or so I hope...

8. I'm flat broke, but so in love that I don't even notice until the bill collectors call me.

9. I can't get rid of anything. I have things I don't wear just because of the person I was with when I bought it. I don't get rid of any stuffed animals, because I don't want to hurt their feelings. I hold on to letters from every person that wrote me a small note in grade school, just because I may read them again some day, even if they don't make any sense.

10. I'm nine days late, and I really hope that this time its for good.

Nine Places I've Visited:

1. Oahu, Hawaii

2. Bermuda

3. Miami, Key Largo, Tampa, & Orlando Florida

4. Nashville & Memphis (including Graceland) TN

5. New York City, Queens, & Long Island NY

6. Boston, MA

7. St.Louis, MO

8. Kansas

9. Philly, Pittsburg, & Poconos PA

Eight Things I Want To Do Before I Die:

1. Visit Australia, Ireland, & Italy

2. Pay my father back for everything that he has done for me.

3. Own my dream home on Milltown Rd.

4. Be a mother.

5. Learn a foreign language fluently.

6. Have my own studio or gallery.

7. Repair my sucky ass credit.

8. Say that I am proud of my lifes accomplishments.

Seven Things To Win My Heart:

1. Touch my face and look in my eyes before a kiss.

2. Be spontanious.

3. Be sincere.

4. Make me something containing chocolate.

5. Flirt with me in public.

6. Don't be afraid to be yourself.

7. Dance & sing with me in the shower.

Six Things I Believe In:

1. God

2. My husband and our marriage

3. Family

4. Everything happens for a reason

5. Anything is possible if you just have faith

6. Money doesn't buy you happiness and love

Five Things I'm Afraid Of:

1. Losing Bobby or my family

2. Never having children

3. Seeing my loved ones suffer

4. Letting my family down

5. Being alone

Four Favorite Items in My Room

1. My pets, Chai, Sid, & Noah. Even though the puppy is eating my new pink heels right now...

2. My PC, helloooo....

3. My cameras

4. My roxy slippers I bought in Hawaii

Three Things I Do Every Day:

1. Tell my husband I love him

2. Yell at my cat for being a freakin' spazz

3. the hygienic stuff (brush teeth, shower, blah, blah, blah)

Two Things I'm Trying Not To Do Right Now:

1. Look at the clock to see what time it is because Bobby has to work late tonight and all I want is for him to be home right now

2. Go downstairs and eat a pudding pop

One Person I Want To See Right Now:

1. My love.

9:03 p.m. - 2005-09-22


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